Going O-rganic for your child
Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, and even your local supermarkets are all offering Organic Fruits, Vegetables, and everything they can offer you. In this world, what we need are the simple things, fresh fruit & vegetables, avoidance of pesticide laced foods, and a good balance of food avoiding as much processed food as possible.
Some people focus on getting everything Organic, and they have the budget or they scrimp and save to purchase foods that are Organic. Others balance it out by purchasing fruits and vegetables that have the highest pesticide scores-organic and lessening their contact with these dangerous chemicals, while saving some of their paychecks.
Whatever your style is, just know that it's your choice what you feed your family, and it's good commonsense to switch to Organic on Peaches, Apples, Celery, etc. You are not just building a pesticide-free body, but one that will thank you later in life!
click here for the site that lists the highest pesticide load in fruits & vegetables.
We can debate on the positive of organics, less chemicals as well as the cons, more expensive, but if you stay away from the Dirty Dozen, and buy Organics, and purchase the items that have lower scores of pesticides at your local market, you can help protect your child from harmful pesticides.
To make your own produce spray when you didn't purchase organic use this recipe: This is from Oprah
1 cup water
1 cup vinegar
1 tbs baking soda
10 drops grapefruit seed extract or lemon juice
Mix ingredients in a large bowl, stirring slowly to reduce foaming. Once the bubbles subsided then pour into a spray bottle. Spray on produce and let it sit for 10 minutes before rinsing throughly. Mushrooms should not be sprayed, just take a damp dish towel and dab the dirt away. Do not rinse mushrooms either.
This is their full list, as of March 2009. If you purchase organic items that have a higher score of pesticides, then in the long run you are creating a strong base for you child along with a lifetime of good health!
The Full List: 43 Fruits & Veggies
1 (worst) | Peaches | 100 (highest pesticide load) |
2 | Apples | 96 |
3 | Sweet Bell Peppers | 86 |
4 | Celery | 85 |
5 | Nectarines | 84 |
6 | Strawberries | 83 |
7 | Cherries | 75 |
8 | Lettuce | 69 |
9 | Grapes - Imported | 68 |
10 | Pears | 65 |
11 | Spinach | 60 |
12 | Potatoes | 58 |
13 | Carrots | 57 |
14 | Green Beans | 55 |
15 | Hot Peppers | 53 |
16 | Cucumbers | 52 |
17 | Raspberries | 47 |
18 | Plums | 46 |
19 | Oranges | 46 |
20 | Grapes-Domestic | 46 |
21 | Cauliflower | 39 |
22 | Tangerine | 38 |
23 | Mushrooms | 37 |
24 | Cantaloupe | 34 |
25 | Lemon | 31 |
26 | Honeydew Melon | 31 |
27 | Grapefruit | 31 |
28 | Winter Squash | 31 |
29 | Tomatoes | 30 |
30 | Sweet Potatoes | 30 |
31 | Watermelon | 25 |
32 | Blueberries | 24 |
33 | Papaya | 21 |
34 | Eggplant | 19 |
35 | Broccoli | 18 |
36 | Cabbage | 17 |
37 | Bananas | 16 |
38 | Kiwi | 14 |
39 | Asparagus | 11 |
40 | Sweet Peas-Frozen | 11 |
41 | Mango | 9 |
42 | Pineapples | 7 |
43 | Sweet Corn-Frozen | 2 |
44 | Avocado | 1 |
45 (best) | Onions | 1 |
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