Friday, September 08, 2006

travel mangia: Tasty South! outside Atlanta, GA

Labor Day weekend, and I was looking forward to a dining establishment in Georgia, the infamous Blue Willow Inn.

Growing up North, my exposure to biscuits, corn bread, fried green tomatoes, were limited, and the representation by KFC does not do it any justice. I always found the biscuits there to be very heavy and dense, not at all like the light fluffy biscuits I had. Also sweet cornbread is not norm, in the South it's not sweetened unless you order a cornbread muffin, which would approach what we consider corn bread up North.

Blue Willow is set up buffet style. You have your healthy salad bar, equipped with fresh shrimp, two choices of soup, as much biscuits and cornbread as you can handle. Then comes the good stuff, the famous country fried steak was not offered that day, but the pot roast, the Southern fried chicken, the fried green tomatoes, peas, mash potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn on a cob, hunks of ham, lot's of fried veggies, sweet beans, etc... was truly a feast.

The restaurant is situated in a beautiful Southern Mansion in Social Circle, GA.

After your meal, check out the Blue Willow Inn Shop and further down, the antique stores nearby.

Blue Willow Inn
294 N. Cherokee Rd. (Ga. Highway 11)
Social Circle, Ga. 30025
(770) 464-2131
Toll Free 1-800-552-8813